Home > Programs > Cub Scouts > Preview Adventures > The Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure
The Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure
The Boy Scouts of America is committed to creating safe environments for Scouts and leaders. Child abuse is an uncomfortable topic but an important one for us to cover to ensure the safety and well-being of our Scouts. The Boy Scouts of America has partnered with subject-matter experts from the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation to present the “Protect Yourself Rules” that help children recognize, respond to, and report abuse.
Before starting work on this adventure, the den leader reviews Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse since the Protect Yourself Rules adventure is intended to complement our existing youth-protection measures.
The Protect Yourself Rules videos replace the Cyber Chip requirement for the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges of rank. For the rank advancement requirement, you do not need to earn the adventure. If you do earn the adventure you have completed the rank requirement.
When you complete the adventure please we would like your thought. Please complete this quick survey.
Kindergarten – Lion Video
1st Grade – Tiger Video
2nd Grade – Wolf Video
3rd Grade Bear Video
4th Grade Webelos Video
5th Grade Arrow of Light Video
Pack Meeting Program
This adventure may also be used as a pack meeting program. Break out the dens by rank so they can complete the activities for their adventure together. Below is a link to download all the den meeting plans for each rank for this adventure in one document to make it easier to share with pack leadership, den leaders, and parents.
When your den or pack has completed this adventure, record completion in Scoutbook and order Adventure Loops or Pins directly from ScoutShop.org.