Cub Scout Preview Adventures are new elective adventures for Cub Scouts. During the preview period these adventures will be under evaluation and possible revision. It will be determined how much interest there is, based on several factors. Successful previews will be considered to be included in the next edition of the Cub Scout handbooks.
These adventures count toward advancement just like other elective adventures. Here you will find the requirements, den meeting plans, and program resources.
Preview Adventure recognition items are purple in color for all ranks to signify they are in preview mode. Adventure loops and pins for preview adventures can only be purchased online at
Have an idea for a Preview Adventure? Complete the form below and submit it to
The Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure
In partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Foundation we are proud to present the Protect Yourself Rules Adventure. This adventure is designed to provide your Cub Scouts information on how to Recognize, Respond, and Report abuse as part of the BSA’s Personal Safety Awareness program.
This adventure is available for all Cub Scouts.
The Protect Yourself Rules Adventure replaces the Cyber Chip requirement for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges of rank. (Lion’s do not earn Cyber Chip).
Yo-Yo Preview Adventure
In partnership with Duncan Toys, we are proud to present the Yo-Yo Preview Adventure. This adventure develops eye-hand coordination and teaches fundamental concepts of gravity, motion, and energy.
This adventure is available for the following ranks:
Modular Design Preview Adventure
The Modular Design Preview Adventure. This adventure introduces the concept of modular design and building.
This adventure uses digital instant recognition, there are no adventure loops or pins for this adventure. Visit the Modular Design Adventure website to learn more.
This adventure is available for the following ranks: