Administrative Reviews
The administrative review provides a detailed assessment of the local council’s operational practices. It is designed for first-time Scout executives and is also an opportunity to alert council volunteer and professional leadership on issues that might require corrective action according to the rules and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, federal, state and local laws and generally accepted accounting practices. Observations and recommendations will be shared with key council leadership at the end of the visit.
Business Practices Assessment (BPA)
The business practices assessment is designed to help councils take a proactive approach in achieving excellence in business operations and performance while identifying best practices to share with others. It addresses fiscal management, stewardship, registration procedures, governance, and staff development with an in-depth analysis to help a council be better positioned to meet the needs of its members and the communities it serves.
Financially Sustainable Council Plans
This plan enhances the local council efforts towards meeting their operating, capital and strategic funding needs. This service is a means to help local councils analyze their financial health, identify strengths and challenges, and develop both short-term and long-term strategies for becoming financially self-sustainable. The process also includes a follow-up opportunity for further consultation, as well as coordination of additional services as needed from the region and/or National Council. The strategies developed for achieving these goals are designed around three key areas: strong fiscal capacity, sufficient revenue generation, and good governance.
Governance Reviews
The purpose of a governance review is to ensure the smooth and appropriate fiscal operations within a local council. It is a proactive process to assist the Scout executive in identifying troublesome governance issues and fiscal procedures as well as to recommend and assist in the development of remedial actions and strategies. The positive outcome of this review could increase promotional opportunities and could also increase council Scout executive growth, as well as his/her skill sets.
10 Steps to Continuous Improvement
The 10 Steps to Continuous Improvement is a process that provides tools and methodology to assist local councils to achieve improved performance for a specific criterion within Journey to Excellence, and will ultimately impact the quality of the youth experience.
The 10-step process is not limited to use with your council’s Journey to Excellence objectives. This process can be used to address any area where improved performance is desired.
360 Reviews
The 360 Community Assessment has two complementary components: stakeholder and community leader interviews. The integration of the interviews aggregates with the council long-range strategic plan, the council financial sustainability plan, the council board self-assessment, and the council community capacity analysis.
The objective of the 360 Community Assessment is to identify over-arching themes within the various components to provide an objective view of how the local council sees itself, how the BSA sees the local council and how the community views the local council. With this unique and objective view by a third party, the goal is to show the local council where they may wish to focus their energies and resources to gain the most impact towards providing the best program to meet the needs of its’ constituent groups.
All Markets Strategy Assessment
An in-depth analysis using a balanced scorecard for councils with growth opportunities in underserved markets.