A steady flow of youth into a Scouts BSA troop is essential to maintaining the troop’s health. Plus, new Scouts bring energy and enthusiasm to the troop program! To avoid the pitfall of shrinking membership, a troop should add at least 10 new Scouts every year. Having a year-round growth plan in place will help attract new Scouts.
The first step for any recruitment effort is to appoint a troop committee member to serve as the troop membership chair. This person will develop and implement a year-round growth plan that incorporates all methods of recruitment, working closely with Cub Scout packs in the community, the district membership committee, and the unit commissioner.
Recruitment Methods and Resources
Graduating Webelos into Scouts BSA
The transition from a Webelos den to a Scouts BSA troop is an important stage in the Scouting journey. Help make the process as seamless and inviting as possible for Webelos and their parents.
Troop Open House
Swing open your doors and roll out the red carpet! The troop open house provides a way to show off Scouting activities and your troop’s accomplishments.
Youth Recruiting
The most effective recruiter in Scouting is a Scout who is enthusiastic about their troop.
Scouts BSA Marketing Tools
Resources to build, activate, and improve your troop marketing and recruiting strategy.