To recognize registered Scouters of exceptional character who have provided distinguished service within a council.
Who Can Earn This Award?
Presented by the National Court of Honor on behalf of councils.
How To Get the Award
Anyone may nominate any deserving registered Scouter to the council, which selects recipients for the following year. Each council may process their own annual allotment of Silver Beaver awards and shall send a list of Silver Beaver awards and shall send a list of Silver Beaver recipients presented each calendar year to the National Court of Honor no later than January 31 of the following year.
Supply Item Description & Uniform Placement
Silver Beaver presentation kits, certificates, pocket cards, Silver Beaver medal suspended from ribbon worn around neck on formal occasions, knot for uniform worn above left pocket, and lapel pin for civilian wear.
Supply/BIN Item Number
Kit, No. 331; certificate, No. 614659; pocket card, No. 614658, available from Supply. (These items are restricted and available to councils only).