High-level award presented by councils on the behalf of the National Court of Honor for nonregistered volunteers who have made a significant contribution to Scouting; on same level as the Silver Beaver Award, which is for registered volunteers.
Who Can Earn This Award?
Presented to nonregistered Scouting supporters; may be presented at the council, area, region, and national levels.
How To Get the Award
Council, area, or region sends nomination to National Court of Honor at least 30 days prior to award presentation; presented at council recognition banquet, public gathering, or other event appropriate to the honoree.
Supply Item Description & Uniform Placement
Certificate supplied by National Court of Honor upon receipt of nomination form; eight-pointed silver north star suspended from black ribbon, worn around the neck.
Supply/BIN Item Number
Award in presentation box, No. 610645; ordered from Supply; certificate supplied by National Court of Honor.