Supplemental training is designed to provide orientation beyond the basic training offered in leader-specific training.
Fundamentals of Training
The course introduces teaching techniques and skills to new Scout trainers but is also designed to help all Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. Intended for both youth and adult trainers, the course will help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA’s training techniques, and it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers.
A team has been assembled to update the Fundamentals of Training curriculum to pilot during Scouting U Week at Philmont, July 21 – 27, 2024
Trainer’s EDGE
While the Trainer’s EDGE is a required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge and NYLT staff, it is also for other trainers wishing to enhance their training and presentation skills.
A team has been assembled to update the Trainer’s EDGE curriculum to be ready to pilot during Scouting U Week at Philmont, July 21 – 27, 2024
Strategic Training Plan
A team has been assembled to update the Strategic Training Plan curriculum to be ready to pilot during Scouting U Week at Philmont, July 21 – 27, 2024.
Task Force Chair, Danielle Ballantine from the National Capital Area Council, shares that “feedback by participants from the current course revealed that although they learned the strategic planning skills to create training plans, the follow through of creating and implementing a training plan in their home council did not always occur.” The team is re-writing the curriculum with a top goal of helping to ensure the participants not only learn the skills to create a strategic training plan that is relevant to them (as a district or council training chair for example) and their Council, but also how to obtain buy-in and approval from the other stakeholders in their council. The team is also working to develop a curriculum that best meets the training needs of the new generation of scouting leaders.
It is important to note that the Strategic Training Plan curriculum has not been considered a part of the T-cubed train the trainer series, but is a standalone administrative training course under supplement adult training. The team is following the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) method of instructional design. Hope to see you at Philmont!
New-Unit Organizer Modules
These modules were prepared by the National Membership Committee’s New-Unit Organizer Task Force. They are designed to help Scouters understand the role of the new-unit organizer and the new-unit commissioner, and how to use the Unit Performance Guide. The modules are designed as 50-minute sessions to use at district or council training events. New-Unit Organizer Training and the accompanying slide deck are designed to be used to train new-unit organizers.
New-Unit Organizer Training
New-Unit Organizer slide deck
New-Unit Commissioner module
New-Unit Organizer module
Unit Performance Guide module
Planning and Conducting a Safe Scout Outing
Although it can be effectively used at the unit level, this outline and video were designed to be presented at a district or council-level venue, such as a University of Scouting. An explanation of the sandwich principle and emphasis on the importance of qualified supervision and discipline are at the core of this training. NOTE: Due to the large size of this file, it is highly recommended that it be downloaded rather than trying to view it directly from this site. LINK
Recruiting Quality Training Staff
This session will provide an overview of the steps involved in recruiting quality district or council training staff and will allow participants to take a step-by-step practice run through the recruiting process. LINK
Cub Chat Live (every Friday at 2pm CT) – Facebook and YouTube
Troop Talk Live (second Wednesday of each month at 2 pm CT) – Facebook and YouTube
Leading our Adventures (every other Friday at 5pm CT) – Facebook and YouTube
University of Scouting
University of Scouting is a local Council event, it is an action-packed, fun-filled day of supplemental training where you chose the classes you wish to take. Classes are generally led by experienced volunteers and professionals who will help you enhance your ability to deliver a fun and exciting program for Scouts.
Check with your local council training committee to see if have a University of Scouting program in your area.
National Volunteer Training Conference
The annual Scouting U Volunteer Training conference will be held on April 25th to 27th, 2024. The Las Vegas Area Council, located at 7220 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, will once again host this year’s conference. The theme and focus of the conference will be “Building Relationships.”
The conference is intended to provide both information on the status of training in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and gather information from the field on training effectiveness and product need. A number of critical training topics will be discussed. Please join us to help us review and plan the future of training in the BSA.
Virtual sessions will be identified soon as the agenda is finalized. A separate communication will be sent out with the various virtual meeting links.
Flyer for the Conference is @
The event is open to anyone who has an interest and/or passion for training. Watch for details in the quarterly “Training Times” as well as the “BSA Volunteer Training Team-Scouting U” Facebook page.
Roundtables provide unit leaders with the skill to do and the will to do what is needed to ensure that every member of every unit has a great Scouting experience. They build upon the foundation provided by position-specific basic training and each leader’s commitment to serving youth through Scouting. LINK
Day Camp and NCAP Training
The purpose of National Camping School (NCS) is to provide adults with a learning experience and training related to the operation of council camp. The key staff members will, in turn, train and supervise other staff personnel in your council camping program.