The Venturing A-L-P-S program model provides a framework for a dynamic program of Adventure, Leadership, Personal growth, and Service. It is grounded in a flexible program of continuous, youth-led adventure, with the recognition system providing Venturers with benchmarks of progress.
Venturing-specific trainings provide opportunities to learn and apply leadership skills. Venturing’s program model provides explicit training experiences to help youth lead and mentor as well as opportunities to test and refine skills during youth-led and youth-mentored adventures. The following training courses are those training opportunities for each award level.
Venturing Rank Trainings
Personal Safety Awareness Training
This training addresses personal safety concerns of our nation’s teenagers. Go here to view the new revision of these training videos.
Discovery Rank Trainings
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews
This training is intended to help Venturers in leadership positions within their crew understand their responsibilities and to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill those responsibilities. FACILITATOR GUIDE
Goal Setting and Time Management
Finding a successful time management strategy depends on a person’s personality, ability to self-motivate and level of self-discipline. This course introduces established methods for improving a Venturer’s ability to effectively manage the events in his or her life in relation to time. FACILITATOR GUIDE
Crew Officer Orientation
This course helps orient new crew officers to the duties of their positions, and shows how an effective team of officers can lead a crew to success.
First-Aid & CPR
American Red Cross or American Heart Association, or an equivalent. Your course must include an in-person practical component.
Pathfinder Rank Trainings
Project Management Training
This training is designed to prepare Venturers to effectively manage projects. It leads them through each essential step, including initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. FACILITATOR GUIDE
Summit Rank Trainings
Mentoring for Venturing Crews
Mentoring is a form of leadership and can be performed in a variety of circumstances throughout the Venturing program. This training is designed to help Venturers understand how to mentor other members of the crew and appreciate the role mentoring plays in personal growth and leadership for both the mentee and mentor. FACILITATOR GUIDE