Getting the most from your adventure is not always easy. To help you succeed, Venturing uses four areas of emphasis to help the crew plan and carry out its program. Venturing’s areas of emphasis are the four pillars around which the crew will construct a fun and rewarding program.
What is ALPS?
The Venturing acronym for the areas of emphasis is A-L-P-S: Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, Service. The Venturing ALPS model is a guide to getting the most out of your adventures as you prepare for your future, regardless of if that may be in college, the workforce, or elsewhere.
Adventure is the key to Venturing, and developing outings with a sense of adventure is the key to the crew having fun and learning something new about themselves. As a Venturer, not only will you participate in outings and adventures, but you will also lead them. As your leadership skills develop, you will become a mentor to other Venturers as they take on the role of leading an adventure or activity. What the adventure looks like is up to you and the crew.
Leadership is the tool you will use as you help the crew plan its adventures. As a Venturer, you will learn to lead the crew through the adventures of their choice. Leadership in Venturing is not just a position— it is an action, captured in the Venturing motto, “Lead the Adventure”. Even as you begin your Venturing experience, you learn leadership skills by observing crew officers and more experienced members of the crew as they lead the adventure.
Personal Growth comes when you learn from your experiences as a Venturer. Conversations with crew members and your Advisor will help you appreciate what you have learned. Personal growth helps you identify and develop your talents and abilities so you can be prepared for life’s challenges and opportunities.
Service is the gift we give to others. It allows us to sustain our communities by identifying needs and targeting them. Venturing’s commitment to community service will allow your crew to develop a program full of opportunities to serve others— and to have fun while doing so!